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Computer science based lectures

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Isn't this what the free open-university online systems are for? :P

If you know of a series the same as this already, please link it rather than just state. I imagine it would be a helpful resource for many young learners!

I am mainly doing this to explore the prospect of going into lecturing as a career, so would still continue it regardless of whether its available elsewhere or not.

I did not know such courses existed for free, and after a brief search could not find anything.


--- Quote from: "Will" ---If you know of a series the same as this already, please link it rather than just state. I imagine it would be a helpful resource for many young learners!

I am mainly doing this to explore the prospect of going into lecturing as a career, so would still continue it regardless of whether its available elsewhere or not.

I did not know such courses existed for free, and after a brief search could not find anything.
--- End quote --- ... ,cs-theory

I googled "online university free". I heard about them because they are quite often in the BBC news.
This looks very, very cool for example. As stated at the bottom, you require some prior experience though and it links on where you could find it. There are many other courses for beginners. :)

Are you sure these are free? V interesting though, i will definitely look into these. Thanks for share.

Well, there you go- some background reading for you all. Don't worry though, like i explained, my courses assume you have no prior experience in them


--- Quote from: "Will" ---Are you sure these are free? V interesting though, i will definitely look into these. Thanks for share.

Well, there you go- some background reading for you all. Don't worry though, like i explained, my courses assume you have no prior experience in them
--- End quote ---

Yes, they are 100% free. You can pay money to get a official certificate thing that you can use academically for some courses that support it, but they are entirely optional.

Almost every course offers a signed certificate saying you have done it at least, free.

The only catch is you have to keep an eye on the dates for when courses are taking place. If you join a course late, you can still do it but deadlines are the same, so you could have lost lots of marks if you are doing it for marks straight away.

Read the FAQ. There is no penalty to dropping out of courses so I've signed up for several just to see what it's like and to have some fun.


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