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[QUESTION] what is your best tv series

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Yes, it is that cool. Even cooler than whatever you can expect.

Game of Thrones.. I dont like it. Dont know why. Get not warm with it :)

In the moment I watched Continuum. Nice idea. Like most of series of this kind.
Fringe, Stargate all, Akte X ;)

I am a realy big fantasy fan and read much book of this kind. But with fantasy series I have no good relationship.
There I prever more the movies.

MR. Farrare:
movies are good but i prefer a tv series


--- Quote from: "axel0099" ---Spartacus
--- End quote ---

Think you mean softcore porn. Good show though.

For me, I love my sitcoms I guess:

How I Met Your Mother
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Not very popular, yet I love it).

Still yet to see Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad even though everyone is going on about them.

The only sitcome survivedfor me more then 3 episodes is californication

I love the char he play there, its perfect because he plays his alter ego :)


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