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[QUESTION] Most popular Expansion?

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--- Quote from: "kojak488" ---
--- Quote from: "XxXGenesisXxX" ---Well said amberwell. Well said.
--- End quote ---

Aside from considering Northrend a zone.  It's a continent, not a zone.
--- End quote ---

Except that Northrend is a zone by definition...

zone, noun
an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions.

Lorewise, yeah, you can say it's a continent. That doesn't mean it can't be loosely referred to as a zone. And especially in-game, since realistically continents don't exist in WoW. They're all small islands. Though either way you look at it, it was kinda pointless and disrespectful to criticize someone's post due to vocabulary.

I got into wow From BC i used To farm shit on my dads Warlock He used to raid and He paid me gold to farm for him. Then in the start of Wrath i Brought wrath when i was 8... And I used to raid And do bgs.

If anyone want's to know anything about live I know most of the stuff Like zone names... And How most spells work. So if you're making a mop server i can tell you exactly how its ment to feel

MR. Farrare:
all of them but the best was wrath and then bc

My fav was TBC then vanilla.
My favorite dungeon was always vanilla scarlet monastery and after that kara.
SM had this super cool event at the cathedral end and seeing both as children playing this scene in the caverns of time was priceless! Kara was super fun because it had so many different things in it. :)

The coolest new stuff was flying (druid flight form was so great) and the awesomely torn apart Outland. And I love Illidan. :D A shame he had to die though. :/

I kinda liked cata for the whole cataclysm part and the new terrain phasing, but after tbc I lost touch with the game so I never really played it much.

Based on armor... I think either Vanilla or TBC too. I really liked the death and cold themed wrath stuff, but it was a little too much. And maybe tier sets lost it's epicnes when everybody had one. Loved the Shaman set with wolf heads and the druid sets with antlers, and of course the warlock head on spikes set. xD
Oh before I forget. The coolest item in the whole game was vanilla. This super cool hat you get in tanaris with... 23 intelligence or something like that. The one that covered your eyes and made you look totally badass. xD Wore it with all my characters regardless of class. :D

NPC-wise... Well they obviously look better in mop/cata than in tbc/vanilla... And I liked the hair styling stuff in wrath and most new haircuts npcs and players could get that way. But I never really cared for how they look. Lore-wise people felt more grounded and believable at the beginning. Ok in TBC a bunch of the best and strongest stormed Outland... So it kinda explains why all people there are tough guys... But I liked the game more when not the whole universe was at stake. xD Later it felt like you were a super hero who killed like every major threat to the whole world. I liked mobs like van cleef or hogger more than arthas or deathwing.

Yeah... sorry for the wall of text, memories took over. :)


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