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can i make wow with UDK engine

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And its useless. Most people play AND stay not because better GFX. Its the game content. And the old content is overplayed i think. Better whould be to create new stuff. What we btw also do with some projects.


--- Quote from: "Hmmm" ---someone with enough skills in 3ds max can easyly make them i think.
--- End quote ---

Even if making a model is easy, making enough models, textures, and animations for an mmorpg is a lot of work.
And just people may have the skill to do something doesn't mean they have the time to do it, when they also need to worry about eating and not living in a cardboard box.

When you come home from a long day at a shitty job, you just don't always feel like creating free content for someone else's clone of a game you don't even like anymore.

You are more than right BUT think there are alot of people who quitted wow just because of dated graphics and styles...not to mention the expansions wich ruined the game completly.
Remaking the game for them can bring some donations or even subscriptions that can compensate the time invested to recreeate the game as they like.

Yes and they have a ton of other games the can play. Why should one code something for free that will tokk him a livetime. If then a framework everyone can build his game up. Everything else is time waste.

I left wow 3 years ago now after 4 years of hardcore play. Since then i have to admit that i tried almost all mmos on the market and never found something adictive like wow was and that just because vanilla' gameplay, nothing else. My main reason i left was bad style and dated graphics followed by expansions that made game really stupid and pointless.
I bet there are maybe millions of guys like me who will pay to play again maybe for years some kind of vanilla wow with HUGE improved styles and graphics.
I played Priston Tale 2 just for graphics and i was amazed but i left it because of bad gameplay.


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