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Computer science based lectures

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Ascathos, you will more than certainly learn a load of useful stuff. Def come along.

As for timetabling, i haven't got round to that as this is very much in the air still.. If i have enough interest, i will do it, if i do not, i won't.. I will probably start the lectures Late June to early July i suppose.

NB: These are not easy courses.. Ensure you have good base knowledge in computing before. Strengths in Maths/Science advised, but absolutely anyone is capable of learning this in my opinion.

Also in :)

Always interested in information around OO coding.

Sounds very nice and thank you for doing this.

Will there be any participation conditions? Thinks you have to know about programing usw to take part?

All courses will assume you have very little or no programming experience.

There are no conditions, anyone is welcome.

If there are also people with no knowledge welcome I'll take a look at it too (:


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