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old school idea for searchable world items.


i hate how when u are running through rooms u see book cases cluttered tables chests of drawers...beds.. u cant search them. i have gone through entire castles and found only like 2 chests i could loot. if i was running through some strange castle in real life (assuming im awesome in real life) i would be rooting through all their stuff taking anything i could carry that was useful or valuable. not just what was in their chests. a room full of weapon racks and not one is loot-able?? ...i used to love searching the room when u come to a new place and finding that cool weapon or a stash of something valuable.

      so i had an idea i dont have time to work on just yet. i thought of making, essentially, an invisible chest called "search" or something "search crate" "search bookcase" whatever. place it on or as close to on as u can to things like book cases or crates or whatever you like. so when you hover over it with your mouse you will see search and click it to loot the map item.  have different loot sets depending on what the item is. like a food based loot set for searching a table full of food. why couldn't i find something edible on it? or in a book case have scrolls, recipes, plans, etc loot-able from it. or books that you can find at random that contain plans spells etc. like ooo i searched a book case and found a book squiggle wigs guide to engineering. on looting the book you found several random plans. or a fake book full of sell-able gems...stuff like that. or on a magicians or alchemy table find potions or herbs. or bags of herbs. some rarer than others.

     you could have the search object re-spawn timer like a day? if its possible. shorter for higher volume servers. its just me and one or 2 others on mine so a day would work best for me. i am starting to write a list of furniture i  think would be cool to make loot-able.  plus doing it this way the furniture will not disappear after being looted and since most of the m2 models for these are hard wired on the adt it would make things easier.

      if you have a reason you think this wouldn't work let me know or if you can think of something more that could be done with this idea i haven't put down jot it here. i might as have a full fledged idea of this before i delve too deep into it. the down side would be all these would have to be spawned by hand. i dont know another easier way to go about it. if you think the idea is dumb....thats cool n all but not really why im writing this thread. as long as there is no technical reason i cant do it, i will be doing it, so bashing the idea wont help.

on re-reading this i thought you could have a junk items that are gray and not worth much. so not every book case or crate will have something use-able in it but would have something. the junk items would be stackable. like if you loot a weapon rack you might find 5 broken weapons. worth 5 copper each. or on a book case 4 rotted tomes. or 6 moldering books. worth 5 copper each. molding food. not worth anything to anybody. maybe could even develop further into a scrap skill. use a spell like disenchant to pull scrap from gray items. or a scrapper npc who has several donation of wool type quests where u can trade in 100 broken swords for something...ore or a few bars of some metal.  paper reclamation, turn in moldering books for paper for inscription. moldering food i suppose could maybe turned in for some poison ingredient? i don't know much about rogues. or could just be useless garbage.


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