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[QUESTION] Most popular Expansion?

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--- Quote from: "Milly" ---
--- Quote from: "kojak488" ---
--- Quote from: "XxXGenesisXxX" ---Well said amberwell. Well said.
--- End quote ---

Aside from considering Northrend a zone.  It's a continent, not a zone.
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Except that Northrend is a zone by definition...

zone, noun
an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions.

Lorewise, yeah, you can say it's a continent. That doesn't mean it can't be loosely referred to as a zone. And especially in-game, since realistically continents don't exist in WoW. They're all small islands. Though either way you look at it, it was kinda pointless and disrespectful to criticize someone's post due to vocabulary.
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I'll excuse and look past the more than twenty reasons that definition doesn't define Northrend as a zone because WOW considers it a continent, not a zone.  And it was criticizing Genesis, not whoever called Northrend a zone.


--- Quote from: "kojak488" ---I'll excuse and look past the more than twenty reasons that definition doesn't define Northrend as a zone because WOW considers it a continent, not a zone.  And it was criticizing Genesis, not whoever called Northrend a zone.
--- End quote ---
Really? I would love to see your "more than 20" reasons. Send me a PM.

Though it's curious how there isn't even 20 words in that definition...

i got 2 Fully paid accounts of warcraft so 2 chances to get into WoD beta


--- Quote from: "Milly" ---
--- Quote from: "kojak488" ---I'll excuse and look past the more than twenty reasons that definition doesn't define Northrend as a zone because WOW considers it a continent, not a zone.  And it was criticizing Genesis, not whoever called Northrend a zone.
--- End quote ---

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Tip: If you know what someone means or is referring to then there is little point in criticising them. The same would apply for crticising someone who informally replied to an informal post. Sure, the post wasn't neccessarily 'well said'. However, it was an informal post. It doesn't need to be well written in order to convey its' message.

In terms of adventure, I'd go for vanilla. It was a new world to explore, I didn't know shit about the classes, didn't know that questing was the best way of levelling. I had great fun running to blackrock mountain as a level 8, dying multiple times on the way but I just loved the atmosphere.

In terms of gameplay, balance and raiding I'd probably go for TBC or WotLK. TBC fixed a lot of the many shitty things of vanilla. Mainly the viability of certain class specializations (Prot paladin, ret paladin for example). Though it further improved in WotLK. Raiding became great in Karazhan, anyone who says any of the vanilla raids were great is an idiot. At the time they felt epic, but the fights were incredibly simple with a few exceptions. In WotLK Ulduar set a new era for raiding, the hardmodes were great fun. Sadly the way to activate them did not set a bar as how to do it as of TotGC. Raids have been going up in terms of quality of fights, they do not always feel epic but most fights definitly seem to be an improvement of quality (not necessary of difficulty). Zones in TBC had a magic feel to them, WotLK felt great when sailing into Howling Fjord and Wintergrasp was nice change aswell.

After TBC/WotLK raiding improved, the rest not so much. Questing has more story to it, granted. But it feels more lineair and forced. I loved the addition of the Brawler's guild in MoP, as one of the first on realm to reach rank 8 and 10 respectively. But sadly it can be easily outgeared. I hate challenge mode dungeons, they're not really challenging. It's more of "Smart-use-of-game-mechanics-to-beat-the-timer"-dungeons. The fights are still easy, just the thrash poses a challenge to beat the fucking timer.

The only reason I still play retail is because of my guild. We've been together since vanilla and a lot of the members of that time still play and we have regular guild meetings/BBQs.

Just my 2 cents.


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