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[QUESTION] Most popular Expansion?

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Cata and MoP have the best level design and questing. TBC has the best PvE. And WotLK has the best lore :)

Vanilla. Although I am torn between pre-BWL or post-BWL.

I personally love the aesthetic and design philosophy behind the pre-WotLK versions. It felt like the game was still firmly rooted in the traditional 'Warcraft' appearance (WC III). They began to add HD textures and shadow effects in WotLK - I loved WotLK for everything else it offered, but I felt that the graphics began to detract from the original Warcraft appeal. Nevertheless, this is nothing compared to the lore and zones in WotLK. Northrend has to be one of my favourite zones simply because of how it was designed, the story behind it, and the questlines there.

I enjoyed every expansion before Cataclysm in their own way. For example, Vanilla was challenging and had a great aesthetic and gameplay appeal. You were endowed with a real sense of 'achievement' when you leveled up or did a certain quest, because the gameplay was challenging yet enjoyable all at the same time.

Cataclysm introduced a lot of interesting technical developments, such as quest phasing and advanced graphics. However, the game became adulterated for younger players who were not geared to the kind of difficult content that was seen in Classic and TBC. I felt the game, its' story and its' gameplay, became dumbed-down and childish and most importantly began to detract from the original 'Warcraft' aesthetic and design. Although, saying this, I can't argue that Cata and MoP look terrible at all. They look brilliant, and the level design is brilliant - but it doesn't look 'Warcraft'. The only thing I really enjoy about Cataclysm is the fact that they (finally) added foxes as creatures.. and Gil'neas.

The latter of days of WotLK seemed like a huge let-down for me. The 'achievement' system and 'advanced' LFG system was enough to grind my gears when WotLK initially released, but when FotLK came out I felt like Blizzard had become a little out-of-touch.. or maybe, I became out of touch with the direction they were headed in. The Lich King's death was, imo, a terrible climax to a brilliant story. It would of been so much better if they had done more with FotLK - for example, an AQ-like event at the gates of Icecrown Citadel, where you must gather resources and whatnot in order to aid the Ashen Verdict in breaking down the door into the citadel. After all, Warcraft players had been waiting since 2003 to destroy the Lich King. It could've been much more than dungeons and dailies. I think the same can be said, in part, for the Black Temple. At least Sunwell Plateau had some kind of opening event.

For these reasons, I'd have to say Vanilla is my favourite expansion in terms of aesthetic and gameplay, followed closely by TBC in gameplay and WotLK in aesthetic and I guess in lore too. Cataclysm and onwards may have looked great and made the game much more accessible, but I feel that they soiled it. /rantover

Well said amberwell. Well said.


--- Quote from: "XxXGenesisXxX" ---Well said amberwell. Well said.
--- End quote ---

Aside from considering Northrend a zone.  It's a continent, not a zone.


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