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State of WoW modding

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I plan to do a video tutorial series bit at the time 1.3.1 ks released.
I dont know if we will have some ui changes till then and maruum also take time.

For your fail starts.  Just try my startup tutorial and if you have problems just ask me.  I will help.

Skype : project.modcraft

Maybe I am just stupid, but Steff, could you please give me some more info, on quest work you are doing?
Didn't get it  :?

As we start over with a fully empty world.  We need tons of little storys and quests/gossipnteling this story.
We decide the zones in questspots.  This sports have always a little story direction and a play ground.  Then we collect story idea for this spot.  Next step is to define the gossip and quest flow andnwrite thentexts andnquest mechanics.  Then implement the basic quests and finish the only  afterward with needed scripts.
For escortnquests or realy special once.

If you do a wow server you just can look at wow and fix the mkssing stuff into your server.  We do fully own stuff.

Does Marrum have any lore? Maybe I could help, but need to know basic lore of the world.

Therenis some basic worldlore and much local one.  Gothan writes in the moment an overview.
If you want to help,  just make an post in recruitment forum and add me in skype.
Project. Modcraft.


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