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Apology Accepted! <3


Ok guys, this has been on my mind for a bit and I wanted to put it out there. This community is full of people from many different countries around the world, some of which do not speak English, or at least well. Some choose to use Google translate to help them convey their message, and that's all good. But nearly everyone adds an apology at the end, saying they aren't good at English.

Whilst I get why you want to say it, I almost feel guilty, because it is nothing you should have to apologize for. I can only speak English and nothing else. Yet I do not have to apologize for not understanding other people, when this site itself is actually German if I'm not mistaken.

I'm not having a go at you for apologizing, but I just don't want people feeling they have to apologize for something that is perfectly ok. And I'm aware some people just say it as a formality (which can help), and if that's the case, this isn't really a message for you. But to those who genuinely are concerned about their lack of English, please don't feel bad about it and know that people do understand the difficulty of speaking a foreign language.

Hell, to be honest if anything I probably should be thanking you for taking the time to translate or even learning my native language.

This site was originally Germany but became English to appeal to a wider audience. The domain is a sub domain of a domain owned by somebody else letting this site use it for free.  This website is entirely done for free and hosted by a kind person  with spare resources.

I do completely agree with you though. Knowing one language sucks, UK here.

Yes also its stupid to add an apology  id some mods ( I meen me ) ar also bad in english. We are not here to creat perfect english posts, we are here to work together on a thing we love and help each other.

So you are right NO apology in future!

Me no hablo inglés y tú ?


--- Quote from: "Ascathos" ---Me no hablo inglés y tú ?
--- End quote ---

Bien sûr!


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