Forum > Random

[QUESTION]Wanna put another car into wow- Gimme a suggestion

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Sure no problem.

By any chance do you have a version of the model with the wheels detached, if you don't that's fine I can detach them.

So 1 hour later and here you go still need to make some finishing touches but let me know if you want the headlight and a mounting point even though you can't see your character because the windows are black and I left them like that because there's no interior.



I made the axis spin with the wheels to make it more realistic since they are exposed.

Edit: there you go enjoy.  :ugeek:


If you need any other models done let me know I've got some spending time.  :ugeek:

Edit: I just noticed the link was broken lol it's fixed now.


--- Quote from: "phantomx" ---I love the Bentley.... but does it have voice recognition?
--- End quote ---

Nope but it does have One Click Start Functionality!!  All for the low price of Your Time fooling with DBC Files and Database entries. ^_^

And great job at doing that truck in an hour.  I guess I'm just more anal than most people hehehe... i tend to take atleast 2 hours on my fastest go at something if the model comes under 19,980 polygons to boot XD


--- Quote from: "AnthonysToolbox" ---
--- Quote from: "phantomx" ---I love the Bentley.... but does it have voice recognition?
--- End quote ---

Nope but it does have One Click Start Functionality!!  All for the low price of Your Time fooling with DBC Files and Database entries. ^_^

And great job at doing that truck in an hour.  I guess I'm just more anal than most people hehehe... i tend to take atleast 2 hours on my fastest go at something if the model comes under 19,980 polygons to boot XD
--- End quote ---

I like using the darkspear raptor for testing the models instead of adding in the display id.

Also it was fast/slow because the truck was around 17k polygons but I had to hand select all the faces of the four wheels and 4 axis so that took the most time.

When I finished I crunched it down to 15k polygons.  :ugeek:


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