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--- Quote from: "XxXGenesisXxX" ---Basically, a while back I worked on a project that was a complete overhaul of WoW. While I was there I was the main developer, to which there really was only 2 of us working on the server consistently. When I was working on this project, I was highly motivated, because it was something I really enjoyed doing. Some days I would spend over 18 hours on it if I felt like it.

Anyway, this went on for a few months of countless hours of development. Eventually I got to the point, where everything felt like an obligation. I was no longer modding for the sake of enjoying it. I tried many things to help re-motivate myself, including teach people to do some of my jobs so in the long run I would have to do less work. By the end of it, things worked, but not enough to make me enjoy myself. I ended up just procrastinating, I couldn't force myself to do the work. It got the point where I felt I was more a hindrance than a help, because people would have to wait for me to do something they couldn't, meaning their production was dependent on my effort. So, I decided to resign, with the option of returning when I felt like it.

I watched the server progress for a little while, but never felt the want to mod, even on home servers for testing. Eventually the owner gave up on the server and it died out.

After that I followed some other projects, had a couple offers to do work or join them, however I still could not muster up the want to do the modding, and with that I declined nearly anything that came my way. I came to the realization, that anything further than opinions and advice, I wasn't going to be up for.

-=== Present ===-

Now, while this whole time I have been neglecting something I used to enjoy, I was fully aware of that note. I used to really enjoy modding. I still enjoy programming/scripting/modding other games etc... But for some reason I am struggling with WoW. But knowing how much I enjoyed WoW modding, makes me want to get back into it. However I am at a constant battle with motivation. The best way to explain this is with a simple 0-10 scale representing when I feel burnt out on modding.

When I used to mod, I would need to reach 10/10 for work load to feel burnt out of modding. Now it seems, it's only at like a 3/10, and each time I mod my threshold gets lower.
--- End quote ---

OT:Get out of my mind :o


I play League of Legends every day, I play WoW Mists of Pandaria every day ( usually just logging to check some rare pets or do my anglers dailies ), I am EGM and in-game builder on one WotLK server, I play Yu-Gi-Oh from time to time, I read tons of gaming sites ( mmo-champ, modcraft, surrender@20, wowhead, etc )

I just do what I feel like. 2 days ago I had lost my motivation to build things on that server. Yesterday it was back.

I am really passionate and excited about everything but I suffer from passion losses all the time. This is my way to deal with it.

Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions guys.

@ProfVice: Problem for me is most mods I make are very based on per server. As in, I have no point in making boss scripts on a server I make a custom battlegrounds game-type. If I focus on the things I can do, I get lost in what I should do.

None of my friends play WoW or have any experience in modding or game development. And posting on here, I tend to start something and not finish it, as I turn it into an obligation, as it says to me, you started something, you must finish it.

@Steff: I have considered doing some work for Maruum. But again, with my motivation I don't want to make empty promises.

@relaxok: I definitely know what you mean by that depressive state you reach. However I have taken a break, a massive break. I left the server I was on, at the end of December last year. In that time I have started a youtube channel for CoD, played hours of many other games, developed small programs and experimented with some game development. I've continued my social life, started Uni (where I learned basic modelling). So many things in between this time. But the desire is still gone. And while I'm not as much in the depressive state of I wonder why I am not in the mood, I am wondering if I can even get it back. This temporary break I started, is becoming permanent, which I don't like.

@Solarion: I do a lot of that stuff, including LoL and sometimes Yu-Gi-Oh. I play(ed) lots of CoD. I am in communities for OCE LoL and for Arma 2 and Arma 3.I used to be similar with the do what I feel like, however the feel like never is WoW modding.

@Everyone. Thanks for the suggestions, and don't take my responses as brushing it off with excuses or explanations. I am currently thinking, that perhaps delving deeper into model development might spark something. As learning something knew has always been a drive, and modelling is something I have an abundance to learn on quickly, even at a basic level.

@Steff: I have considered doing some work for Maruum. But again, with my motivation I don't want to make empty promises.

You claim some land and start work. If you think it has reached a level we will integrate it in next patch. And also there are then people there helping you to do the final work. Als we have teams and joblists. So if you like to do something and have time, you just took a job and make it.

And because of the claim thing, you dont do stuff FOR Maruum. You can create your own stuff and we will integrate it into world. I think own work is always more fun the predefined jobs :)

I think you missed the point of this thread Steff. He is telling you that he cannot get motivated enough to do what you suggested. If you don't know the answer to his question, don't bother posting suggestions that are off-topic.

It won't help. You tell him to claim some land or job from the list and start working but he is telling you he gets demotivated in the middle of his work. He likes doing it but he isn't motivated enough.


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