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Making map creation more popular

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Yes he is busy and ill work together with him on the new editor. And yes will be .net so only windows. Perhaps someone could try mono compiling. We build on 4.5 but perhaps you ahve luck and we only use 2 functions in it. But not more about this now. We will release first stuff if the app framework is full working.

But an MMO is an complex thing and you will never reach a point where you can just start easy. You always have to learn the engine bounderys and must understand the DBC structures and how this all pins together.

I have now the idea for a beginners starting pack in mind. If someone will write tuts for it just PM me. I will build it up then and we can make it much easyer.

I think you named the main-reasons, why WoW-modding isn't as popular as other ones.
- no multi-tool (like developer ones)
- more complex than RTS games
- no good presentation yet
- no easy usage of done stuff

About the last point:
If you have an RTS-game like WC3 and you can create a map and play it. Even with friends, without big problems. Again and again.
The five minutes you spend in finding out, how the basics work, doesn't feel wasted. (actually they are somehow, because your first map is bullshit, but it doesn't matter as long as you learned something, and stay motivated)
For WoW-modding, I had to spend years. And after all, there was never played on one of my works.
It's just easier to just need a 4-player-rts-server on your pc (which is doing all by itself), than needing a 24/7-100-player-mmo-server (which have to be configured, etc, etc, etc, ETC!).

One big reason why I like the idea of Maruum.
As it is running, and I don't have to tell people to "just" download 20gb and configure before they can see my maps, there will be more motivation (:

So I think, getting Maruum "done", is one of the first good ways. To get people automatically got Wotlk3.3.5 on their pc and using it, so they don't have to "get in" to it every time, you want to show them something.
Second, because it's (in relation) hard to create a MMO, the start have to be even easier (programs, tutorials).

So... now I talked a lot, without doing anything (:
The problem is, one main reason, why I never made a tutorial, is, that I'm even happy, if the other tutorials are working for me (what they are only in a few times).
But, Steff, if we could find a weekend, it would be very cool to learn, how you are working and to make an "easy repack" with tutorial, to make it easier to join the modding-community (:

Sounds good. I will make a plan and post my idea here. Then we can perhaps jsut make a tutoriall ist and everyone can pic a part and do one. And also the beginning stuff needs to get documented.

Entry barrier too high.
Tools too bad.
No way to easily see changes.
No way to easily distribute.
A lot of horrible usability.
Community having an age average of 16.
Mostly dying game.
Documentation, thus tools and servers being three years behind.
A lot of stuff not documented at all. (i.e. WMOs), a lot of stiff bring wrong, incomplete.
Documentation is on a technical layer, not on end user level.

No way to fix this, except for official support for modding. And that needed to happen five years ago. Now, there is no way.


Thats your point :)


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