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:buildings filled with water" WOTLK wmo -> TBC

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Hi everyone

Does anybody had strange thing with "buildings filled with water" ?
 I decided to put some wmo objects ftom LK to TBC, (huses, etc). Everything spawns fine in noggit, but ingame when i try to enter to home, barrack, the inn, char begins swim, and screen turns blue (water effect). Is there any way to fix it? spent all day serching and trying but with no sucess.

Thanks Stan

WOTLK walls in northsire example, it always happen with LK wmos, tbc works correctly.

Maybe you are spawning underwater WMOs (they are filled with water)?  Or it's bugged water section in your WMOs... Please show us some screenshots (ingame)

hurrrayy i solved it. :) I manually added .wmo to map in cryect tool. It works even on 1.12 wow

thanks Stan

Why do you use cryect's tools? What version of Noggit and WoW do you use?


--- Quote from: "fearless_wind" ---Why do you use cryect's tools? What version of Noggit and WoW do you use?
--- End quote ---


i used cryect to fix this "water pillars" by killallwater. My goal is use some expansion buildings, trees in classic 1.12 wow to improve it.  I still learning and develop how it works and use tools, but with small steps i going forward. Noggit SDL and LK are my primary working tool, because it is easy to modelling terrain, and environment. Then i put created maps, patch-4.MPQ to 1.12 and it works. First i started with .wmo's cause i foud here information that wmo are still compatibile to each other. In most cases its true, tbc wmo's goes nicely to 1.12, but LK gives some problem as i described above ( filled with water or water pillars on the map.  So i used cryect to fix it. Obviously all doodads from expansions  are missing because of m2 incompatibility with 1.12.  I think this will be a really  challenge,  backporting them to 1.12
i saw mdx -> m2 conwerters but all converts to WOTLK M2.

 Guys, is there a tool to convert mdx,3ds,mdl to old  version m2 (00 01) ?
i reaaly need that but cant find anywhere, please help :)

below some of my checks how it works with 1.12
thanks Stan


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