Forum > Random

new file system CASC

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How did he make that listfile anyway ??

I already tried several stuff to do it, no success: example:

from the listfile I took this line:


calculated the Hash for it, which gives me this: 493C128A4B90E96DE0A5B0229ECCE19A

but there is no file with that hash value ... also tried without the extension... still no luck

hlp plz...



--- Quote from: "TaylorMouse" ---How did he make that listfile anyway ??

I already tried several stuff to do it, no success: example:

from the listfile I took this line:


calculated the Hash for it, which gives me this: 493C128A4B90E96DE0A5B0229ECCE19A

but there is no file with that hash value ... also tried without the extension... still no luck

hlp plz...

--- End quote ---
It isn't MD5 hashes, that's why.


Explain how to use them?)

Soft from the author MPQ Editor :)

P.S. no links - stupid anti-spam, use google.

--- Quote ---Since 2014, Blizzard Entertainment has changed data format in their games from MPQ to CASC (Content Addressable Storage Container).

As preliminary release, I put a beta version of CascLib to Github.

Also, a beta version of CascView is already available for World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor and Heroes of the Storm. You can download the application
--- End quote ---

Can't even figure out Ladik's Casc Viewer. Lol

It only worked once for me, but with the new beta version, it is not working anymore for me :/

I know it is not MD5, but I tried to use the hash algorithm from CASC code but I got noting...



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