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thehsvdude: ... alpha.html

They said they done it by Scratch but i found old nagrand on the map I don't know excat Cords but i got screenshots

Also if you have a look at Taanan Jungle you can find a part of Hellfire Peninsula.

Here is a screenshot of it (Taken from the first Alpha Build which was available)

I did find it strange that they copied and pasted the throne of Kil'Jaden into the new version of Hellfire Penninsula/Taanan Jungle. My guess is that they likely did a bit of copy/paste of the zones initially, then tore it all apart and started building a new version of the landmass in chunks. The throne area will probably be replaced or removed entirely at some point in the future - even during the tbc beta, that area wasn't populated, so perhaps there is some sort of lore for the area that still needs fleshing out.

Other areas that seem to include bits of the old landmass are nagrand - even bits that should be completely new seem to be copy/paste chunks - the Zangar Sea seems to have bits of mushroom from Zangarmarsh pasted in, likely placeholders for later re-development of the zone.

The fact that they claimed that they developed it all by scratch seems to be a bit off-putting here - Obvious areas of the map that they didn't bother to do from scratch - but that seems to be how they create these expansions now, so whatever.

On another note, the re-use of old objects in the new draenor seems odd as well - placeholders for new bits are in the world, but a lot is still from TBC, no idea if they're going to revamp all the models.

Can't wait for a newer sandbox to explore what's changed since the first sandbox release...

It might be just for scale.


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