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Why so little content for >4.x.x?

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--- Quote from: "schlumpf" ---
--- Quote from: "Skarn" ---There are no people left for reverse engineering stuff required and those writing working tools.
--- End quote ---

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Where have they gone?

All the things happening in the thread now pretty much show what we lack here. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4206 If you know what I mean.  :arrow:

I find the lack of newer versions a little frustrating too, simply because I feel that newer features like terrain phasing can be used in powerful ways that don't harm gameplay — ways that Blizzard will likely never even consider (one thing that comes to mind is using phasing to add seasonal variations to the entire game world).

Given the sheer scope of some of the projects I've seen here, what we really need more than anything is our own, open source, multi-platform, WoW-like game engine and a matching server core and editor suite. It sounds like a daunting task (and it is), but given the complexity of newer versions of WoW and the fact that we still haven't fully reverse engineered 3.3.5, I'm led to think that quality modding is equally daunting as a project.

This is just my point of view I don't mean to offend anyone this is just how I see things.



--- Quote from: "phantomx" ---This is just my point of view I don't mean to offend anyone this is just how I see things.

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--- Quote from: "Смердокрыл" ---Re: Why so little content for >4.x.x?
--- End quote ---
Because it's easier to complain about lack of tools and content than it is to make stuff which requires time, effort, determination, and more time to study and do R&D work. So naturally people take the easier route out and nothing gets done.

Like there is seriously no need for this thread. Unless you're trying to complain or just wade in the waters of time while you wait for someone to take the helm for you, so to speak. ... Just saying.


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