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[Live stream] Chaya goes Live !

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Why the hell so many people use a comercial application instead a fully free open soirce one that is much better and even faster....  7zip.

And yes it also handle rar files.

Hehe 7z. Compresion ... once i ziped .txt result was from 22,3 mega to 4kb :D
try to beat me Winrar

Online Again =)

Works Great my Work !

dont make me stream too :P


--- Quote from: "dahaga" ---"Custome Mapping" ? well you are speaking only about nggit model spaming ?
--- End quote ---
It's called art, when you truly are making something good-looking. WoW modding isn't about being super model editing madman, but about making things look good. Simplicity can be way much more than your trys to look better than others are. Just sayin'. Screaming "I want respect!" won't give you any.


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