Forum > Random

[QUESTION]Wanna put another car into wow- Gimme a suggestion

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In AF team is in model managment only Filipsons and Me


--- Quote from: "dahaga" ---In AF team is in model managment only Filipsons and Me
--- End quote ---

So you make it or Filipsons make it?

This one is exactly Fills work


--- Quote from: "dahaga" ---Ok Anthony im glad to head this :D

what do you think about this one ? (that one is prepared for AfterFall)
--- End quote ---

I was bored and looking around the forums and I found this post.


I removed the old wheels since they were stuck to the car and made new ones I need to fix the uv for the new ones and then fix the placement and it should be done.

Let me know if you want me to do another vehicle.

XD My first thought was, For Christ Sakes  STOP making your videos Unlisted, Just make them public..... then I looked at my own video gallery.. lol.  But anyway good job, I'm sure your followers would like to see these videos. :)


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