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Collection of modded and current online WoW Servers.

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I want to collect a list of WoW modding servers.
They should have a height amount of modded
reagions and must be online and playable.

So what do you know?

I just do it, because you asked.

I "know" in one point not lots of more than you, there's the Odieus-RP-Project (
It's done by a long-time-modder and, sry for that, but it's the most ugly and love-lost work I saw for a long time.

And there's another RP-Project Lore and Order. (
 I can't say how much is really modded and if it's as much as you wanted, I was banned a long time ago. The moddings (as far as i saw them) were good but, yeah, there are differences between me and this server and its concept.
Here's a little video:

And a epic trailer (wasn't made by one of the staff):

Thanks for that :)
Some other projects out there?
Language is not importend

Our project (World of warcraft: Wargate) applies strictly to the Russian-speaking (the character names can be only in Russian - in Cyrillic) = everyone who uses the Latin letters would be impossible to create a character. So do we have a closed (private) website (until the end of development)
This was the main reason for which I wrote nothing about my project.

Reign of Ysera has a spanish PvP/PvE beta realm.


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Tell me if u need a translation ;)


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