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Why so little content for >4.x.x?

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Not that it makes any difference, but I'd be spending a lot of my spare time making user-friendly tools if I could find a clear path to follow with regards to learning how to parse and write binary files programmatically. I make a living doing software development in a C-like language, so it's not a problem of being unable to program. The only problem is lack of knowledge in one particular type of programming.


--- Quote from: "iindigo" ---Not that it makes any difference, but I'd be spending a lot of my spare time making user-friendly tools if I could find a clear path to follow with regards to learning how to parse and write binary files programmatically. I make a living doing software development in a C-like language, so it's not a problem of being unable to program.
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Who's that reply to? There's only been 2 posts since your last reply and none of them talk about that.

--- Quote from: "iindigo" ---The only problem is lack of knowledge in one particular type of programming.
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I wouldn't say that's the only problem in terms of regards to all the people interested in Modding Cataclysm, another is those that are actually interested in the topic either don't have the free time to spare spending time on the idea or ............

Those who won't make the effort to put in the time to making their dreams a reality, which usually follows with them complaining that others(such as yourself, sclumpf, mjollna, stoneharry, and all other legends) won't make better or newer tools.  Then they start to wine about how people that know how to do it won't make stuff, but that's not a logical argument at all since what benefit is it to them if they did do it anyway? If They(the smart people) have no interest in it then that's perfectly fine, leechers trying to make it a reason and to be negative about their standing on the topic doesn't help anyone.


--- Quote from: "PhilipTNG" ---Who's that reply to? There's only been 2 posts since your last reply and none of them talk about that.
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It wasn't a response to anybody in particular, but to the general sentiment of there being no tools and nobody to work on the tools.

--- Quote from: "PhilipTNG" ---Those who won't make the effort to put in the time to making their dreams a reality, which usually follows with them complaining that others(such as yourself, sclumpf, mjollna, stoneharry, and all other legends) won't make better or newer tools.  Then they start to wine about how people that know how to do it won't make stuff, but that's not a logical argument at all since what benefit is it to them if they did do it anyway? If They(the smart people) have no interest in it then that's perfectly fine, leechers trying to make it a reason and to be negative about their standing on the topic doesn't help anyone.
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I see what you're saying and agree to some extent, but I still see lack of [quality] tools as a problem if only because those who are dedicated enough to mod without tools could do so much more with their time, energy, and creativity if they weren't bogged down by process, quirks, glitches, gotchas, etc. If making tools available lowers the barrier to entry, that's a side effect and won't make that much difference for those who lack the patience to learn. Modding will still take a lot of work, it'll just be less tedious.

Roleplay Heaven welcomes MoP and WoD modders. Some people from modcraft are already on Roleplay Heaven, and we welcome the rest of you. We even have a 12mb WoD client that works with custom patches if anyone wants to convert and get started modding for WoD.

For me, I already made a custom skins patch, like Rangorns, and we have a custom object patch also.

Modcraft will have to realize eventually that the expansion they are modding on is 7 years old. I find it funny you guys are retro porting so much, why don't you just play the version those assets are on? Yes, its challenging, but that's the whole point in modding, feeling accomplished when you achieve what you believed was impossible.


--- Quote from: "Chase" ---that's the whole point in modding, feeling accomplished when you achieve what you believed was impossible
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