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[BUG] Forum Bugs

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If you found a bug of forum please post it here.

1) Images are full-sized in posts and signatures. [seems to be fixed]
Tested browsers:

--- Quote ---Opera 11.61.1250
Mozilla Firefox  13.0
Internet Explorer
--- End quote ---
Screenshot below:
2) Images have wroing size in attachments.
Tested browsers:

--- Quote ---Mozilla Firefox  13.0
--- End quote ---
Screenshot below:

The problem is non-webkit uses max-width% of the next parent with width, rather than the direct one, like webkit does.

Let me rephrase that: whenever using percentages, it does not use the direct parent.

Update. Pictures again
2) Images have wroing size in attachments.
Tested browsers:

--- Quote ---Mozilla Firefox  13.0
--- End quote ---
Screenshot below:

At least img and wimg tags should have been fixed. May you clear the cache and try again?

(But yes, those errors are everywhere, as the original style was table based, but not one table, but one table per post etc.)


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