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2 new class ideas...

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archer and thought was tho, no spells. maybe have one special spell each. aside from like auto shoot for archer, that you start with. like heroic strike but takes energy to use. and to get energy a sleep spell. that is a spell that works like heal but uses a sleep animation. enough energyt to use your special move only like 2 times in a fight. but maybe later versions use less energy but do same damage, but the damage of your weapon will increase as well. to start a single weapon. heritage of some kind. i figure an archer or barbarian would have quite an attachment to their piece. so instead of finding new items you alter, you only have the one weapon. no new weapon skills allowed. maybe an axe and or a sword. 2 hand of course. granted im talking off the top of my head. so some things may be a bit far fetched but most of them seem doable. maybe class specific weapons too. doing a bit more damage. or soul bound starting heritage weapons. now im not a pvp player. so i know this would gimp them in that respect. im more looking at the solo player. maybe even have them level a bit faster than a normal player. a bonus for working harder at leveling. less xp needed to progress. possibly let the archer use a dagger for close up. since it might be difficult to bow something to death up close. or you could extend the range on the archers auto shoot and maybe the speed, let it shoot things right on you as well. or add dagger skill but i think just bow would be cooler. i know this is not all that complete a thought but im open to any ideas or advise u may have to help this become a reality. something just a bit different but simpler to implement than a regular class via the lack of spells. you can still customize armor and stuff like a regular player. just an idea. my dad plays and explaining spells to him is a nightmare. thats what made me start thinking about this. i think it might be fun. i dont know all the core changes needed to make this come to pass tho. for trinity.

Wall of text. Stopped read at second line. It whould be a good idea to give this a more readable form ;)
Use section.

oh well. just an idea thread. if you cant work through a long paragraph then that is unfortunate. i will miss your insight and experience. (which you have much) give it another shot eh. its just for fun for now. patience is a virtue you would have to have for this at any rate.

No thanks.

Reading a whole wall of text is too troublesome if you concentrate on many things, which some of us do unfortunately. Also, Archer equals Hunter to a degree and the Warrior is part Barbarian (they are supposed to have influence to other branches).


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