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Blizzard Customer Support

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I got paranoid once before when it came to accepting donations
but otherwise I would say the same.

It's never been different.

And saying Blizzard's customer support is a pile of rotting shit, where does that come from? Honestly, it's one of the best customer supports around (on par with Valve's).

To be fairly honest, the way you write it, you were pretty toxic towards the GM's, rather than the other way around.

I think Eluo once posted a conversation where a GM actually responded to the question of what he thought about project Modcraft, and he said it had some potention and was pretty cool about it.

Uhm, not really. I wasn't toxic to them at all aside from giving up and asking them to ban me. After that they talked to their manager who was actually helpful but you can never get the same rep twice in a row after replying.

And yes the customer support is awful. I've been in contact with at least 6 representatives (not GMs) and only 2 of them were knowledgeable. The other ones persistently provided misinformation and wasted a lot of my time. But it's not even the reps that are bad, it's the policies. They flat out couldn't solve any of my issues. Not because it wasnt possible but because they have backwards policies regarding customer support.

Not to mention they tl;dr'd half of my tickets. I understand tickets are busy with the expansion but it'd be nice if they would at least read what I had to say after I waited 3.5 days for a reply.

blizzard CS is pretty fine. Keep in mind they are not developers and are not told tech details. If you have problems with support reps, please message or alike, preferably with ticket ids in reference.

On a side note, there are some of them on here, or at least have been for a while. Some may care or find it interesting. Just like 98% of the players, Blizzard employees may not be interested in the topic, and maybe don't even know what it means.

On another side note, nobody will ban you because you request it, except if you have a decent reason and can ID yourself, as that would be abused too often.

Fair enough point. I can at least vouch that WoW GMs (most of them) know what they're doing.

Also about the feedback email, thanks but I'll pass. I don't believe one voice can make a difference.

But none of that matters anymore as I'll no longer be playing any paid Blizzard games. Not until I win the lottery and can fork over the $300+ I'll need to establish a new account and pay for new licenses and transfers.

Until then I guess I'll just twiddle my thumbs.


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