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New Guy Introductions (and a question)

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--- Quote from: "Wizier537" ---What's the name of the windows program which does this?  I might be able to get it to work since I ran a few windows programs on this mac before.
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I don't think it will work, when they release their programs they (I'm 99% sure) test them on all sorts of different systems to see what it works for. And they usually don't even aim to make it work for anything else than windows sometimes.

But the main question is: Why are you on a mac to begin with? :P

The reason I use Macintosh today was back when I was in 7th grade, I took a broadcasting class which required me to install a program called "Final Cut Pro".  Since this application was for the mac, my folks bought me a Macintosh computer.  Though getting used to the system took a while, I grew proficient in operating it, thus have stuck with it ever since.   ;)


--- Quote from: "Wizier537" ---The reason I use Macintosh today was back when I was in 7th grade, I took a broadcasting class which required me to install a program called "Final Cut Pro".  Since this application was for the mac, my folks bought me a Macintosh computer.  Though getting used to the system took a while, I grew proficient in operating it, thus have stuck with it ever since.   ;)
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Sure you're free to use your mac, but you wont be able to get any modding programs on a mac. Just like you wont get your Final Cut Pro on windows. But that isn't really a problem on windows, because there's still loads of editing programs out there that works great. Sony Vegas and After Effects, why don't you work with those programs instead? They're awesome!

Well I never got around to looking for them.

Just A hint. If you have a Mac with Intel CPU you are able to isntall windows 7 on it and use it. A Intel mac is just a PC with a special UEF implementation. So you just need a tool called boot camp and you are able to come to the open world :) ... lkthrough/


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