Forum > Random

OCR with a really tricky captcha..


Struggling with (Press refresh for diff catpcha)

Working with imagemagick and managed to find a good library of useful functions.
Got the image camera perspective working mostly:

Now Gunna try finding the standard diviation of the area within each square and filter out everything except the top 5% and bottom 5%. Hopefully this will leave an outline of the characters within the captcha.

If this doesnt work i figured Hough transformation and flood fill algorithms would be the obvious next things to look into.
Any ideas? (php only)

What hase his to do with wow modding?


--- Quote from: "Steff" ---What hase his to do with wow modding?
--- End quote ---
Nothing. That's why it is in the random category.

There aren't many forums where the community are willing to share ideas for stuff like this. It's a long shot posting here, but if it isn't appropriate, i'll take it down.

Anyway, nobody has any ideas how to tackle it? :S

As we are no hacker Forum but a modder forum I dont think so.


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