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Why so little content for >4.x.x?

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its causet by Expansions it selfs <<<

Vanil ? rly old one ... potencial is really low
TBC ? better but still its second oldest version of wow
LK - Here we go wow became better adn it THIS  tiem appeared most of modding tools so everyone now sticks to LK
Cata came out and wow becamse something else since Hp were raised to 100k not much ppl likes this etc ....
i want to say that i just dont care about expansion that was lame and that same about PANDAS ! THE MOST *sekfepfjegoweg* expansion ...
WOD ? why not .. but i stick to LK cuz everyone is playing LK we can gete everything to LK all servers i know are LK and system is easy WOD is harder to edit ? idk ...

Where is the difference ? Create something new in 335 or 4xx or 5xx and also 6xx..its the try to create things that are absolut new. So why not choose the easy way (335)? Thats not laziness, thats smart. You choose the hard way with no benefit instead using the "full supported" 335 content, with scripts, development, tools and a very important point, interested people.
No one like to play on a cata server, and that with a good reason ;)

If you guys really want people to switch to WoD, then please reveal the secret of WoD modding. Last time I checked, nobody here knows how to create patches with the new client.

I any case, staying at WotLK is not lazy. As bizzlesnaff says, it is smart.

I agree with you rangorn etc,WOTLK has been outdated for a longer time than people admit, I'd happily go and work with WOD if there was an easy way of converting ADTs without serious fuck-ups. Please show us your 6.0.0 content and I'll try it myself.

Actaully, the __main__ reason no one is doing mods for later expansion is the lack of tools. It is pain in the ass to get your models or zones upconverted to these versions without any bugs.


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