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Happy New Year !!!

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--- Quote from: "schlumpf" ---I don't know, but aren't you all a day early?
--- End quote ---

Is there such a thing as "Happy New Years Eve"? *thinks*

Well, I'd say one wishes a happy new year when there actually is a new year. As it is the early morning of 31.12.2011, that's not really the case, in my opinion.

Another opinion I have is, that this "new year" stuff is heavily overrated being only mathematical and logical occurrences that only result from humanity anyway.


--- Quote from: "schlumpf" ---Another opinion I have is, that this "new year" stuff is heavily overrated being only mathematical and logical occurrences that only result from humanity anyway.
--- End quote ---

I like your opinions/theories...they're....interesting...o.0

I know it's actually a day before the new year, and silly, maybe I shouldn't have done this, but I did  :D.


Anyway even if i am early and this stuff is nothing from higher importance and redundant to the workings of the world and the universe:

Happy new year!!!

And happy eye cancer after reading this xD


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