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New Guy Introductions (and a question)

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Hello everybody, I have heard of this site before but never signed on until yesterday.  I really want to edit the maps, npcs, events, and all that other good stuff on WoW 3.3.5 for my private server.  
My aims for this server is to base it on my D&D campaign, or make it radically different from regular WoW (such as inter-faction communication, trade, and friend; have different racial leaders, etc.
Before I begin all of that, I should ask one question at a time.  I have been wanting to give humans and gnomes the option for a hunter class, but at the same time disable the warlock option for alliance races.  My first  question on here is how do I edit class availability :?:

I haven't disabeld any race/class combo  for myself but I guess you will need to edit CharBaseInfo.dbc ,
I'd start editing that.  Humans have RaceID 1 , Gnomes 7. Hunters ClassID is 3, Warlock is 9. You may need to edit more files, but like I said I haven't tried it myself so you should just try.

This tutorial is doing the opposide, it's adding race/class combos, 2nd post below the spoilers. It might be usefull.

Ok, but which is the best program to do it, since I use a mac.   :?  I apologize for not mentioning this earlier.

Do you have a windows computer you have access to?
I understand your on mac. but the only program I know that works with mac is a mpq program...
and that won't get you too far.
If you don't have a windows computer you may want to get one if you are seriously considering modding wow.

What's the name of the windows program which does this?  I might be able to get it to work since I ran a few windows programs on this mac before.


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