Forum > Random

[QUESTION] Deleted topic

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--- Quote from: "Steff" ---explanation please. I help everyone I can to get started. Thats why I did the tutorial to get people fast up and running and protect them to avoid the common problems you can run into. I even do often temaviewer session to setup environment for beginners.
--- End quote ---
I do the same. Sadly, quite a lot of people don't read those tutorials, at least not whole. I am not sure if that can ever be changed. But truth is that shoutbox can be much quicker and easier for asking questions, rather than starting tons of new topics.


--- Quote from: "Steff" ---Yes I think so. Money and wow modding dont fit for me. And a 5 line post is not the same as an tutorial i have to maintain. If it is not to much I just post it there. What all people can
--- End quote ---
But for some modders they do and I don't think you should make such decision for them. Deleting payed jobs offers "just because you don't like it" is pretty terrible reason. Would you also delete all edits adding anime content into WoW in case you didn't like anime? No? So don't do it even here. Skarn's mentioned double standarts are actually very well aimed this time. Or if you would, then maybe I should not have not given you any apologies at all.

I find it funny that you say: if we are on the new root server.
A.K.A it will never happen.

Yes that is true. A shoutbox is nice. We are not allowed to run it so we created the IRC as an alternative.

I really could not care less to be honest.
You clearly stated several times that the shoutbox is gone because you want people to create threads, so that people can find those in the future.
Either you were lying then or now. And I don't care about your pms with german staff which maybe 20% of the people here actually understand.

I have writen that I think that this is the better way and that I am not motivated to spend time in an other solution then I did already with the IRC box, if no one else wants to do it.

That is no PM that is the mail from the german server provider.


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