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Where is happyhack?

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Does anybody know any info about him? Maybe someone know hot to contact to happyhack? He visited this forum once til almost the year. I've really mis the vertex color exporting in his script because everything else that this script doesn't do can be quiet easily fixed but vertex colors may be a really huge array of data.
Or maybe there is someone who got some expirience in python and can get vertex colors to export.
Also I've attached my trial to make it work but I've had no idea what I'm exactly do so it doesn't work and idea can be completely wrong.

I am also very interested in the continuation of this project as well as most of the WMO guys, i think.

He's probably busy with real life, the same with a lot of people right now.

It sure would be interesting to see this continued. As doing it manually through hex edit would be a pain...

Hooray I've finally get some positive results!
I've make some more trials to make some python code without exactly understanding it. LOL
Seems that now vertex colors are exported but It didn't set the flag HAS_MOCV so you need to change it via hex yourself. Just after conversion wmo will have flags 09 so change it to 0D and test your vertex colors.
There is the script
Just unzip it to io_scene_wmo folder in your blender scripts folder.


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