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It is a different thing to link a tutorial or help post then link to an "I offer paid work post" becaus i am not willing to just copy it over. And as you can see on the reaction there. Most boards even dont want any link to other sites.

--- Quote ---I don't want any war or flame,
--- End quote ---
>>> Say the man with the gun in his hand :)

--- Quote ---that we are not allowed to link MC-Net on the board.
--- End quote ---


I never deleted this post. And now you tell the community I dont allow links to your site.
You try to use everything you can to flame

It would be so nice if people would just use this wasted energy and invest it into wod and leagion research and helping project to get done.

As a matter of fact the shoutbox was taken away deliberately according to you just the other day.
I don't want to be a cunt and you know that, but these bad shit excuses help no one.

Thats just not true :) as many things people just lie the last days.

From internal board:

--- Quote ---Hallo,
schön, dass es schon ein Thema dazu gibt.
Erstmal von Montag, ca. 1730

Quote:Hallo Herr zax,

aufgrund von Lastspitzen haben wir soeben den Server, auf dem sich Ihr Account befindet, überprüft. Die Prüfung ergab, dass Ihr Chat unter der o.g. Domain haupt- bzw. maßgeblich mitverantwortlich für die Überlastung war und bis zu einer Nichterreichbarkeit des Servers führen konnte.

Um die Erreichbarkeit des Servers und aller darauf befindlichen Accounts zu gewährleisten mussten wir diesen deaktivieren. Ich muss Sie an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass wir derartige Scripte auf unseren Servern wegen der schwer ein schätzbaren Last generell nicht dulden können:

Ich bitte Sie diese Software umgehend vom Server zu entfernen und sich kurz über den Stand der Dinge bei uns zu melden.
--- End quote ---

This text was send to zax the administrator of the root and tells that the chat script creates access overload and they turned it off by change the rights. Some days later we added the IRC chat as an laternative but people dont liked it. We can just turn the box on again if we are on the new root server.


--- Quote from: "Steff" ---It is a different thing to link a tutorial or help post then link to an "I offer paid work post" becaus i am not willing to just copy it over. And as you can see on the reaction there. Most boards even dont want any link to other sites.

--- Quote ---I don't want any war or flame,
--- End quote ---
>>> Say the man with the gun in his hand :)

--- Quote ---that we are not allowed to link MC-Net on the board.
--- End quote ---


I never deleted this post. And now you tell the community I dont allow links to your site.
You try to use everything you can to flame

It would be so nice if people would just use this wasted energy and invest it into wod and leagion research and helping project to get done.
--- End quote ---

In your message you said ANY link if it helps people. Don't you think that maps Amaroth sells can be actually useful and help other people who look for that? Probably not. Still double standarts.
And one a side note, the flame here is not initiated by me. I just can't resist saying my opinion.
Also don't tell me how to manage my time. I spend enough time to do what I can for moving modding forward. I write tutorials, make scripts and maintain the community with Milly.

Yes I think so. Money and wow modding dont fit for me. And a 5 line post is not the same as an tutorial i have to maintain. If it is not to much I just post it there. What all people can


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