Forum > Random

THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. goes global. WoW Blizzlike

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--- Quote from: "Amaroth" ---Since when is every discussion which is not just full of honeyed words considered to be flame?
--- End quote ---

The whole thread was just one toxic wasteland, not just non-honeyed words. The word you wanted instead of 'you'  is 'one'.

Thanks, sorry about that, edited. Milly, I really meant no offence, in fact I have respect for you and your work, as I should have while I'm using for instance your water in my patches for over a year.

You know what ?

Delete this treath just delete it because i see only some spam of nonsense
( some posts triest to answer these nonsense with sence which leads to more unsense )

In some quotes I dedided you were so irrelevant to me that I didn't even put your names! Sorry.


BTW I have diagnosed Dysthymia and Social anxiety disorder
So yes, I'm legit crazy and a depressive maniac  :lol:
But you know what? It does make me better than you'll ever be.

Next time I'll just say nothing and start using my favourite tools, which are very bad for you. Smileyface

Please! Please! Keep up the stupid comments! It's the best marketing I have ever, ever dreamed with! Oh when I really snap.

I'm going to make this, you know why? Because I have nothing left to lose.  ;)


--- Quote from: "Amaroth" ---
--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---I have finished making this thread prettier.

Have fun. Just ban my account and don't say hi if you see me anywhere.
--- End quote ---
I hope so much someone will shoot you into egomaniatic brain of yours when you try to behave like this in front of someone who can kick your ass for that, internet keyboard hero. I truly hope so. How I hate modern age of (especially internet) kids who can do what they please and take no consenquences.
--- End quote ---

I'm also hotter than you, and in one single year i have fucked more than you'll ever can, and imagine
The people who knows me and is not a sex toy to me, guess what, loves me.

(This is my face reading you guys)

Now put yourself on fire or something. You don't know me. You don't know who I am, What I like, What's my social life like, and of course, I still don't know who the fuck do you think all of you are! For me you are social waste.

So come ooooon!


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