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THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. goes global. WoW Blizzlike

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I'm sure you believe in the project, but you've been preaching it without giving any information on it whatsoever. Going off the information available in your trailers and website it seems to be promising server hosting for some games including WoW or something like that?

I think this has been asked before, but give us some actual details explaining your project instead of going "its coming! its going to be so awesome! here's some trailers with no original footage and some catchy titles!".

Confusing your potential userbase is not a great way to start a project.


--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---I said it previously. You want the bitches and the ships out of the box. We don't work like that. We create things that attempt to be perfect, so bitch, please.
--- End quote ---

I have no problems with missing "bitches" and "ships", but could you at least say what your "thing" is about? :S
What I understand from your posts and trailers thus far is, that you have a minecraft server, with admittedly nice landscape and a website without any content that went offline shortly after. Clarification please.

--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---Is not personal. But people, you seem old and decrepit with that attitude.
--- End quote ---
Maybe I really am old... Is that something bad now?
Kids these days.... D:

The thing is, we plan to release the main website with info about the servers in less than 2-3 days.

We still have to upload the DynZone Website Trailer and other videos (Let me help you with what's upload +  and what's missing -  )

+ Everything Debut Trailer
+ DynZone Announcement trailer
+ DynZone Trailer of the Website Trailer
+ DynZone Manifesto

- DynZone WebSite Trailer
- Swapped Manifesto

There are a lot of clues everywhere, BUT, a lot of you tend to stick with the idea that we are some sort of thing instead of thinking that we could be all of its forms

And about Swapped being a hosting... Why do you think that? WHY?  xDDD


--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---And about Swapped being a hosting... Why do you think that? WHY?  xDDD
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1. You haven't given us any information about it, so we're only to assume things at this point.
2. The site says "the best game servers".

I guess I can answer now and later show you some real things

--- Quote from: "MountainLion" ---iMithos, hombre, espero que entendáis nuestra posicion. ¿De que nos sirve tener publicidad para tus Game Servers? Esta es una comunidad para modders que presentan trabajos y/o proyectos en elaboracion o concluidos, no temas que hablan acerca de su fecha de lanzamiento sin mostrar el proyecto tal cual. Tus publicaciones ahora me estan irritando un poco y a la comunidad tambien. Analiza tu proximo post con calma antes de publicarlo y asegurate de que sea referente a Modding, de lo contrario, abstente de publicar publicidad inservible. Os estoy dando una aviso verbal. Sin ofender pero estais dando la impresion de que sois retrasado, joder.
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Of course I understand your possition, I have been myself a litle plain in the ass. I didn't come to modcraft with advertising in mind, it was thinking in something more like "Hey! Look at us! Look what we are doing!
The release day the custom servers WON'T be available, and please, leave the rest of the team alone. Is my crazyness, not theirs.
I got a bad exit from this world. I was kicked out. I want you to have that in mind. No one missed me, No one asked me for my life. I created a server ( and then a community (EspalWoW) about servers. The credits were steal away from me. He taked care of it and left me with shit. This is a delicated subject, for me, the first impulse I have is to attack since I'm in a passive-agressive constant state. And the attitude in this forum at the beginning like "We don't give a shit" haven't helped

--- Quote from: "MountainLion" ---If you continue posting threads unrelated to modding (in the wrong sections), they will be automatically deleted. I can't continue filling up the random section with your crap. Pretending to ignore messages won't do you any good either.

This thread was merged with a previously locked thread I locked and since it's in the random section it's safe to say who cares.

p.s. I looked at your Twitter, I feel sorry for your playerbase I don't know how they put up with your attitude.
--- End quote ---

Don't get confused with our twitter. Follow us and wait a few days. Some days we share a lot, some days we interact, with great or fatale outcomes


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