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I can tell only that Lizzard did amazing job on models of Demon hunter and if i get them to my hands i want them instantly ported to LK :D

The expansions honestly looks terrible IMO.

Well, where to start... For me, the announcement of this new expansion was exactly what i think, the ultimate proof of WoW's death, let me explain :
_New "Main Story" center on Illidan, but let's seen what's around : Suramar the old kingdom of high-helf, some mountains with Valhalla and Val'kyr/Vyrkul Land, and a NEW TELEPORTATION OF DALARAN with a new Violet Hold etc... Blizzard try anything to add something new, but that's totally a fail...There's no future for WoW's Story.
_Class Order : Oh well lol, after fief there's class order, to get this time a strong and powerfull legendary weapon. What i think about it it's that's like Draenor and i don't like it, evolutive stuffs are for poor korean rpg. If there's a good background behind that it could be really nice but knowing Blizzard it'll not be the case.
_New class, Demon Hunter : Oh dude, what a nice idea, but... what are those cheaty spells ?!! Can see through the wall ? Demons Hunters are just some perverts ? And why it's a c/p of warrior ??!! With rogue and monk moves ?!! And...
New Honor Pvp System : Inspired by Call of duty, he said it... An MMORPG honor system based on a casual FPS grade system ? ouwaaaa... And spells with ranks... This system was seen for the first time on Dark Age of Camelot in 2001, the game who recieved the price for the best PvP/RvR game of the decade in 2011. But it's really not enough to equal this game lol, you have no choice, you just get spells when you ranked up (and i will not talk to you about the sensation in pvp between the two games...).

I really believe the next extension after Legion, we'll see a remake of class system : one spec classes. And maybe a difference between solo (fief, class order and i believe race order next time XD) and multiplayer like diablo...That's possible too.
"It was better before"

To me, Blizzard is looking like a parent that is willing to buy its child any toy, just so it stops crying. Players have now got EVERYTHING(C) they asked for, despite the Lore being mercilessly fucked.


--- Quote from: "Смердокрыл" ---To me, Blizzard is looking like a parent that is willing to buy its child any toy, just so it stops crying. Players have now got EVERYTHING(C) they asked for, despite the Lore being mercilessly fucked.
--- End quote ---
Give that man cookie or rather two.


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