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just wait for sunday

I kinda dislike that they jump from Legion to Legion. Yes, WoD is not entirely about Legion, but quite a big part of it is. While I don't dislike demonical content at all, I would maybe like to see another undead and nordic mayhem again. Well, if we have to reuse old contents. But I can't imagine anything entirely new in WoW. Nearly everything possible was already put there.

About soloing, its definitely true. I play WoD now and I have to say that its largely solo game. I am in guild, indeed, but even without running any guild raids I have 670 iLvL just from running stupid easy-to-do solo dailies. I have also started to raid Hellfire Citadel with completely random guys from LFR, without any Teamspeak or something like that and guess what? With 1 tank, 3 healers and not even full DPS we still didn't even fucking wipe. And I was the 3rd in DPS - with my equip. That doesn't mean that I was exceptionaly good, that means that most of raid exceptionaly sucked. Still, nearly whole Hellfire is down for me. After 2 runs of Blackrock Foundry, 2 runs of Highmaul and 1 month of daylies.

- Wadafak?

I like nearly everything about WoD. Its wonderful game. BUT SOOOOOO FUCKING EASY.


--- Quote from: "axel0099" ---the part where I said you shouldn't be negative is that they definetely saw that they fucked up.
and they're finally listening to the player base which is a great improvement to how they used to act before.
--- End quote ---

You should not always listen to players.
Image a government asking "Hey, do you want less taxes ?". The people will say "Yes" regardless of the real needs.
That's why you listen designers. Because the players don't know how they can be entertained the most and that's why they buy a game.

Oh and, a minor detail, the Broken Isles look really good and nice lore but... they are not isles. It's a compact continent. Why x) ? A bit strange but not important anyway.

This WoW expansion is:

 let's throw every expansion idea into one and try to survive another year

. Illidian? yep!
Demon hunters? you bet!
Naga? Yep!
The legion returns? why not!
Alleria and Turalyon? of course!
Emerald Nightmare? Absolutely!
Fragments of Frostmourne? Yeah, okay!
Ashbringer for everyone? Go for it!
Tomb of Sargeras? Here we go!

Seems very lazy. This is maybe, three expansions worth of story and ideas crammed into one linear continent. Maybe it'll turn out good, but I'm not holding out hope right now.  Logically if you cram this much stuff into one expansion it'll all be done pretty shitty, especially if you have so many plot-points to cover, with so much potential lost along the way.

The things I liked:

Class Zones, these are a great addition to the game in theory, but Blizzards recent execution of ideas has been dreadful (Garrisons)

The Continent: looks varied and nice to look at, very "azeroth" mostly new assets that we can all use for different projects

Demon Hunters: every new class is good for this game, more varied. I'm looking forward to the questing experience, and all those lovely assets.

Spik has a point. If Blizzard was listeting to every pubertal kid who hates something because of its stupidity or worse, hurted ego, WoW would be much bigger piece of trash now. Democracy has the same problem. Its ruling of majority - that more stupid and average majority.


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