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Looking to get into programming


Figured I would ask here as alot of tools and such are created for Wow Modding by the people of this site. I am looking to get into programming and what not (gonna be self taught), and wondering what we be a good first language to learn. After a little research I narrowed it down to 2 languages languages to which I understand are the main programming languages for windows (correct me if I am wrong), and was wondering which would be the better one to start with?

C# and C++

What are the merits of one over the other or are the pretty much the same when it comes to the basics just the code is a little different. Just wanting to make a good first choice and figured you all would be the people to ask =D.


c++ is imho superior, but c# will get you results far faster.


--- Quote from: "schlumpf" ---c++ is imho superior, but c# will get you results far faster.
--- End quote ---

Just to add a bit to this. I'd personally start with C#, learn it as well as I can, and then begin learning C++.

The only reason is because I find that knowing a higher level language makes it easier to pickup a lower level language.

Java is also a good language

I personally learned languages this way :
1. Python (to learn the first steps of algorithmic without bothering with language syntax)
2. Java (a more complex syntax but really easy to understand errors, and also to play with object-oriented paradigm)
3. C (playing with the root of all modern languages, pure procedural paradigm, a clean syntax, but no errors helping you so you have to know what you're doing)

I learned along with Python simple math things and logic circuits.
I also learned along Java the MIPS assembler language to understand a bit how CPUs think.

But I'm learning CS at university so I was basically doing this all the time. As you probably don't have as much time I suggest you to jump to Java directly then to C++ or some other languages of the same level.
Keep designing you programs and algorithms to solve problems on paper. Simple, 1000 years old, paper. It will forge your logic and this logic won't be language-related. Once you get it, the language doesn't matter.


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