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I got a puppy!!

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Anyone have any tips on raising a puppy? she's about 4 weeks old give or take.  not sure how to get her to go outside instead of on the carpet.


So cute! :3

Some tips how i raised my dog:

* If he made a mess inside, point with ur finger on it and say a bit louder "no!" or something like that. Show him that this wasn't good and, if possible, place him alone in the garden for a minute or two. If a dog doesn't want something, it's being ignored. NEVER HIT A DOG.
* Something that i figured out myself: Don't let him lick you permanently. Mine is now 7 Months old and everytime he sees a person, he wants to lick the persons hands. Kinda annoying sometimes, but i have to live with that. :D
* If he does something good (e.g. make a mess outside) give him something to eat or stuff like that.
* You need to show him, that it is important to stop playing or something when you say "no".

MR. Farrare:
nice pet but I rather get a small hyena my friend got one its soo cool pet but its better to keep it outside the house


--- Quote from: "Kaev" ---So cute! :3

Some tips how i raised my dog:

* If he made a mess inside, point with ur finger on it and say a bit louder "no!" or something like that. Show him that this wasn't good and, if possible, place him alone in the garden for a minute or two. If a dog doesn't want something, it's being ignored. NEVER HIT A DOG.
* Something that i figured out myself: Don't let him lick you permanently. Mine is now 7 Months old and everytime he sees a person, he wants to lick the persons hands. Kinda annoying sometimes, but i have to live with that. :D
* If he does something good (e.g. make a mess outside) give him something to eat or stuff like that.
* You need to show him, that it is important to stop playing or something when you say "no".
--- End quote ---
Thanks a lot for all the tips man, much appreciated.  Our previous dog was about 4 months old when we got her, so a lot of things were already taken care of by the previous owners, not to mention that was 14 years ago so a lot has to be relearned again XD.

I'll definitely try out the treat idea for doing good things tip. ^_^, again thankyou man, you're the best!

--- Quote from: "MR. Farrare" ---nice pet but I rather get a small hyena my friend got one its soo cool pet but its better to keep it outside the house
--- End quote ---
That's not allowed in my country but if it was, my brother would totally get one XD.  He's a biologist, the amount of creatures he has is disturbing lol.

Can you share the sources for the dog please

Nah just kidding :)
i have a dog too


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