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Why so little content for >4.x.x?

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Hey everyone!
I've been on modcraft for approximately 8,5 months now and I noticed that 90% of all the content (including guides, releases, etc) are for 3.3.5 or older versions, and it doesnt make sense to me. I always thought modding is a way to bring new stuff into the game that blizz havent, but why at the same time not use the stuff they did? Obviously, the 5.x.x area can be considered mostly undiscovered, but why ignore cata? Everyday I see giant amount of cata>3.x.x conversions, which shows that the content from Cata is demanded, so why not use cata as a starting poin and then add up to it? I know that cata is very different from wotlk (e.g. dbc structure), but shouldnt modding evolve?

P.S.I have to put this Garrosh pic here

The emus that are available for expansions higher than wotlk are so broken, that they are not worth spending time modding on. We also know alot more about 3.3.5 than 4.3.4 for example.

MR. Farrare:
335 is better and more easier to edit


--- Quote from: "Ghaster" ---The emus that are available for expansions higher than wotlk are so broken, that they are not worth spending time modding on. We also know alot more about 3.3.5 than 4.3.4 for example.
--- End quote ---
Thats what Im talking about. People choose the easy way instead of trying to evolve.


--- Quote from: "Смердокрыл" ---
--- Quote from: "Ghaster" ---The emus that are available for expansions higher than wotlk are so broken, that they are not worth spending time modding on. We also know alot more about 3.3.5 than 4.3.4 for example.
--- End quote ---
Thats what Im talking about. People choose the easy way instead of trying to evolve.
--- End quote ---

The community evolves. But the development of emus for >3.3.5 is hard and therefore is slow.
And then, with good emus, you still have to develop the tools so the modding community can thrive. It is also a huge and often hard task.
That's not the "easy" way, that's just the best way that has been found so far.


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