Forum > Random

Is there a lack of content in WoW ?

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Just asking is true there is a lack of content on Official World of Warcraft Servers
Those who are playing on it i need to know what do you think

There certainly is. I'm too lasy to desceribe everything, but if u wanna know more details, I'd recommend an awesome youtube channel HeelvsBabyface

Wrong Parent Thread, this should go in the General > Random Section, not Modding > Misc lol. It's about Wow sure, but nothing related to community modding.

Something I've noticed people do whenever they talk about lack of content in Wow is they seem to always misjudge the size of the Wow Development Team.... it's really not that large. Sure the maximum amount of people that could be working on Wow is rather large however the size that's actually working on it consistently isn't that large.

With deadlines and people constantly being moved onto other projects from time to time doesn't help it but it's a business and decisions need to be made. Wow isn't their only baby and who's to say they don't have other projects underwraps that we don't even know about yet?


--- Quote from: "PhilipTNG" ---Wrong Parent Thread, this should go in the General > Random Section, not Modding > Misc lol. It's about Wow sure, but nothing related to community modding.
--- End quote ---
As he said, done.

Can someone explain me what is he talking about i have no idea wtf is going on


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