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Wrath of the Lich King Modding => Resources and Tools => Topic started by: Aeriyth on July 08, 2014, 12:47:00 am

Title: [SOLVED] WoW Model Viewer does not support your version
Post by: Aeriyth on July 08, 2014, 12:47:00 am
I've been trying on and off for the past few weeks to get the 3.3.5 version of WMV working. A friend of mine who has been building maps in Noggit tried to help, but nothing has so far been successful. Noggit itself works fine, the paths are correct in config and this is the recent log:

15:43:07: Starting:
World of Warcraft Model Viewer v0.7.0.1 r142 Windows 32-bit

15:43:07: Initiating Objects...
15:43:07: Creating Anim Control...
15:43:08: Creating Char Control...
15:43:08: Creating Light Control...
15:43:08: Creating Model Control...
15:43:08: Creating Settings Control...
15:43:08: Creating Model Bank Control...
15:43:08: Creating Model Opened...
15:43:08: Creating Model Export Options Control...
15:43:08: Creating OpenGL Canvas...
15:43:08: Initiating OpenGL...
15:43:09: Info: GLEW successfully initiated.

15:43:09: Video Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6670
15:43:09: Video Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
15:43:09: Driver Version: 4.2.12002 Compatibility Profile Context
15:43:09: Support wglPixelFormat: true
15:43:09: Support Texture Compression: true
15:43:09: Support Multi-Textures: true
15:43:09: Support Draw Range Elements: true
15:43:09: Support Vertex Buffer Objects: true
15:43:09: Support Point Sprites: true
15:43:09: Support Pixel Shaders: true
15:43:09: Support Vertex Shaders: true
15:43:09: Support GLSL: true
15:43:09: Support Anti-Aliasing: true
15:43:09: Support Pixel Buffer Objects: true
15:43:09: Support Frame Buffer Objects: true
15:43:09: Support Non-Power-of-Two: true
15:43:09: Support Rectangle Textures: true
15:43:09: Support OpenGL 2.0: true
15:43:09: Max Rectangle Texture Size Supported: 16384
15:43:09: Max Texture Size Supported: 16384

15:43:10: Loading Session settings from: C:WoWModdingToolsWoWModelViewer7/userSettings/Config.ini

15:43:10: Initiating File Menu..
15:43:10: Initiating GUI Docking.
15:43:10: Max Lights used: 4
15:43:10: Setting OpenGL render state...
15:43:10: Initiating Archives...

15:43:10: Game Data Path: C:WoWModdingClient335aTestData
15:43:10: Use Local Files: true

15:43:11: Opening C:WoWModdingClient335aTestDatalichking.MPQ
15:43:11: Opening C:WoWModdingClient335aTestDataexpansion.MPQ
15:43:11: Opening C:WoWModdingClient335aTestDataenUSlocale-enUS.MPQ
15:43:11: Loaded Content TOC: v3.00.00
15:43:11: Notice: WoW Model Viewer does not support your version of WoW.
Please update your World of Warcraft client!
15:43:11: InitMPQArchives result: false
15:43:11: Fatal Error: WoW Model Viewer does not support your version of WoW.
Please update your World of Warcraft client!
15:43:14: Info: GUI Layout loaded from previous session.
15:43:14: WoW Model Viewer successfully loaded!

15:43:14: Shuting down the program...

15:43:14: Info: GUI Layout was saved.

This is the config file's contents are attached, it was too wide to post in the thread.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] WoW Model Viewer does not support your versio
Post by: flagg78 on July 08, 2014, 05:16:23 am
Not sure if this will help you. this was a copy that was made for like cataclysm alpha or mop alpha i dont remember. but I only have old wotlk installed and it seems to work nice for both newer models and older ones. its also nice for testing because i can drop a new model in a folder and it will see it and i can test it (in an mpq of course). i tried a couple versions that wouldn't let you see any models or textures not in the dbc files. hope it helps.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] WoW Model Viewer does not support your versio
Post by: Steff on July 08, 2014, 06:15:21 am
Use the tutorial and setup like descriled in part  2. Your config is wrong.  The modelviewer version i ship is normaly notnfor 335a bjt it just works ifnit is configured right and all mpqs are there.