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THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. goes global. WoW Blizzlike

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--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---
--- Quote from: "schlumpf" ---1- I never actually developed in noggit, but okay, nor did any modifications or servers, claiming it was my game.

2- I would be delighted to see someone pick up the work on noggit.

3- So far this thread is full of pure words, promises, content made by others, redubbed trailers for different things, and flaming. I better hope that great reveal will be something more.
--- End quote ---

1. Me fucking neither.

2. I would be delighted if someone in spaniard communities had kept credits to anything I made 2009-2011

3.  We are paroding fucking everything, then we'll start with 3D editing

The things we are showing you are done. Some of them started, some finished. And some things that actually we have never shown are done too...
--- End quote ---

And here it is the original OFFICIAL trailer of the map


And the version adapted for the spanish version of Own3dcraft launch (This is the best version, I fucked up editing the other)


There's a part that does not show up in our video because we are planing to do something there

I could have recorded it entirely by myself with higher quality levels  :roll: , I have some "stable-camera knowledge" and my computer is about rendering and playing 4k, in a 21:9 2k screen. The shaders are outdated and sometimes the movement is crispy :P

Only that I wanted it fast... But I was planning to do it since fall 2013 or so...

Claims to be the best are easily made. Show us/the internet actual proof of work you've done and let us judge. Neither flaming nor blaming will do anything or anyone any justice. But up untill the point where actual content is shown that you or your team have personally created you can't blame the people here for being cynical.

Once you've shown your (team's) work, your audience will judge and give feedback. When you claim to be the best but can't proof it (or are unwilling to show it), then (no offense) you're an idiot.

[center:2omvps9a]It is happening guys!
DynZone | EspalZone | Hack2Zone | Own3dCraft | ManiaStart | AtrixZone[/center:2omvps9a]
More info in this thread very soon.

[media:2omvps9a][/media:2omvps9a] - The website will be in english too, right now is open, but in spanish
Trolling not intended

Playlist with all the trailers until now: ... 4nkoiA38EN

Great job, keep up the great work, man. Can't wait to see the final product!!! Really good trailer, you got some professional skills in video editing.  :o  :o  :shock:  :shock:

The spanish version is now open at

Take your pick

The english site is now available


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