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why so negative man?


--- Quote from: "Krang Stonehoof" ---Fail at game design? Why you say that?
--- End quote ---
They seem totally unable to balance anything, they are professionals at making good content irrelevant or too easy. They don't understand that while players always take the path of least resistance (which is perfectly understandable), they need challenge to be entertained.
And you also need to force people to meet themselves in the game, so you don't create a LFG tool with instant teleportation, you don't put overpowered flying mounts and you don't make the most profitable place a solo place (garrisons) or you're a retarted game designer.

But still, they have good points here :
The art is as always really good looking. Blizzard artists reign supreme.
The Demon Hunter class is a good idea and it's good they did not make them available for all races, they kept the lore intact with that for once.

the part where I said you shouldn't be negative is that they definetely saw that they fucked up.
and they're finally listening to the player base which is a great improvement to how they used to act before.

So far no visible tech changes client side except for the still unanswered question if this is detail doodads clipping through models, just basic terrain looking like rocks, or detail doodads on blendmeshes/wmos/m2s. There are apparently quite a lot of server side tech changes, but obviously no details at all.


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