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3.3.5a HuM glitch

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MR. Farrare:
I did the patch for you as you asked me I hope it will fix your problem  :)
so Now backup your custom patches
remove them from the data folder
put this patch patch-C .mpq to the data folder  and see if it fixed your problem
and in audition I will give a tip (Don't edit the original wow files don't touch it DONT EVEN LOOK AT IT  :)

if you edit any of the original file patch .mpq patch-2.mpq patch-3.mpq ... replace them with new ones   try downloading wow 335 from torrent or such


--- Quote from: "MR. Farrare" ---I did the patch for you as you asked me I hope it will fix your problem  :)
so Now backup your custom patches
remove them from the data folder
put this patch patch-C .mpq to the data folder  and see if it fixed your problem
and in audition I will give a tip (Don't edit the original wow files don't touch it DONT EVEN LOOK AT IT  :)

if you edit any of the original file patch .mpq patch-2.mpq patch-3.mpq ... replace them with new ones   try downloading wow 335 from torrent or such
--- End quote ---

Okay, this actually worked! HuM models are now all good, tho i had to delete the female files because they all had like green lizard skin lmao. Also /lol /cry /roar emote sounds now dont play on HuM.

Thank you so much for this and please do a upgrade with the emote sounds working if thats possible.

Have a good day.


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