Forum > Random

WCell Terrain


I was just looking through a repository of the old .NET WoW emulator WCell and found a piece of software which sounds kinda interesting.
The tool is called WCell Terrain and has classes with names like ADTRenderer and so on.
I'm not home atm and can't compile it, so i'm asking myself what this could be.
You can find the sourcecode here: ... ll-Terrain
There's also a screenshot in the repository: ... nshot1.png

Does anyone know what this is? It kinda looks like a (unfinished?) map display tool, but why don't we know it then?
Maybe it was just used to develope a collision system for the emulator, but maybe it's more. :)

Basing this assumption off of the single image that I found in that repo. It looks as if this was intended to be a map editor in the end.

Basing this assumption off of the single image that you found in that repo, it looks as if this was intended to be ... ain/Recast

Thanks :)


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