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Talk with WOW devs - What they say!

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--- Quote from: "SirFranc" ---RP = Role Play, where YOU play your character IN Character in a determined setting (mostly fantasy) that evolves around you.
A RP game (for you all, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Arcanum, Ghotic, Neverwinter Nights) it's a game where the story unfolds around your character/party and you live their adventures as part of the story.
A MMORPG WAS supposed to be similar (like it was Ultima Online) but more interactive having the other party members and fighters around the world as playing characters.

This failed when the software houses discovered that they could reskin a mob and make you kill it 40 times in 40 quests, making many hours of gameplay out of a single mob. And then the "grind" started to be increased savagely.
By the time passed, Lineage 2 (a milestone of grind) came out, and was like one of the first MMOs to be successful AND grind based.
And then WoW came, they made it on purpose to make player addicted, bombed you with advertisement, and dominated the market, woho.
MMOG is the right word, not MMORPG, because the RP part has been lost during the way
That's why for instance i had to redo all gameplay in Coa to make it RP friendly, because i had to remove the grind...
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As I had explained in my previous post, gameplay and comparing RP is highly subjective. You may say that WoW is dead in the ways of RP but I may say it is still going strong. We may both be right. But saying "RP is dead" is very vague and out of context.

Also, as if a company is not out to make money? Blizzard has every right to create content for their own game, because it's theirs. You can complain about every little thing Blizzard does wrong, but what kind of irrational behavior is that if you know they won't change to your liking?

Blizzard pretty much got dibs on commercial status because of all the hype they created, and they did it well. People like to nitpick on every single thing WoW does wrong. Mostly because it's so huge of a game that it has literally outshone the spotlight itself, but what about the stuff it does right? There's too much negativity going on for people to think of the good stuff Blizzard makes. It's always a 'conspiracy' because "Blizzard is just trying to screw us in the ass with their money-sinks." WoW is also hardly a grind in its current state. You do quests from 1-85 without once having to kill mobs in between quests. It is impossible to remove "grind" from quests because essentially, there is no "grind".

 Back in vanilla, quests had no train of thought, they just "were". Then TBC came along, it added some interest to people who thought vanilla's quests were boring and misplaced. Then Wrath came, and people were loving it, but again, the quests were still somewhat misplaced and random (mostly in the vanilla areas). Then everything changed in Cataclysm: quests actually had a memorable and intriguing storyline tied to them. You felt like you had a piece of the pie when you blew a crater into the Night Elf area of Stonetalon. Things started to matter.  Just because a quest didn't get you from level 21 to 22 doesn't mean it's a grind. People take things for granted too easily, too quickly. But of course, that's just my opinion.

--- Quote from: "SliDra" ---Ok couse this thread has totally changed,i gotta ask u guyz what u think about this,and pls every1 comment this:
What if everything is made whit phases(i dont know how much posible is it,and if u do like that how many GBs will  it need),so when u do all Qs about some mobs,like maby troggs in valley in south  Loch Modan,they acually disappaper,so grind is imposible,only if some1 keep some Q for some time,but it will be rare,atleast not much like today.
And about dailys,well easy answer,make mobs for dailys drop nothing expect almoust no gold,or rly nothing.
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That is actually a very good idea. Too bad phasing isn't as advanced as it could be. It could very well be possible in the future. And I hope Blizzard does in fact do something like this (although, they kind of already started the process).

--- Quote from: "SirFranc" ---Ok with learning english, but some BASIC grammar... please
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Quite irrelevant to the topic (though it has already kind of gone off-topic already; do you have to push it further?). As long as you understand (because I sure can), that's good enough. Also note that not everyone here has English as their mother language, myself included.


--- Quote from: "ToyokaX" ---
--- Quote from: "SirFranc" ---Ok with learning english, but some BASIC grammar... please
--- End quote ---
Quite irrelevant to the topic (though it has already kind of gone off-topic already; do you have to push it further?). As long as you understand (because I sure can), that's good enough. Also note that not everyone here has English as their mother language, myself included.
--- End quote ---
Myself included, and i never even studied english at school (just on the field, and now living in UK i fare quite well), not asking for a master of english but i found hard to read what he meant and i didn't got the meaning, exactly because i'm not a mothertongue.

I was meaning the concept of RP applied on a game, talking about my topic as plain hate toward blizzard is just wrong, and means you didn't got really the meaning of what i wrote.
Blizzard has to earn money, but doesn't have to apply farming/grinding on every aspect of the game, like they said for customization "if we can't make it grindable it's not worthing the work" it's what pisses me off, it's a sign of blinded greed? Maybe.

WoW has no longer anything to do with RP, as RP environment it's just wrong and you would find it at times even "unfriendly" as RP environment, not that anybody cares to actually RP, mind, i know that the Roleplay era is almost over, and noboy gives anymore a damn to it.

when we already talk about grinding,i wanted to say few words about something close to it

Whit new expansions they always add more and more quests where u have to kill 50 mobs or get some items that have 1% drop rate,if they continue like this for few years leveling whit doings quests will be same like u grind...

For your post about my grammar i have no comment...

Thats why i do not play wow :)
Best chat was 58 :)


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