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Wiki Formatting

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Well if we do that are we not just in the same place we currently are?

The table overview ? We do. However, it would differ how we explain variables.

The one-big-table approach will suck if we have a lot of unknowns, which we often have.

Thanks for the suggestion Ascathos, it's a good idea in theory but I don't think I'm gonna go with it. I just have my doubts about it being the most effective way of displaying the information. We're just gonna continue with version-based tables for now.

On a related note, I'm gonna try and work through all the tables sometime next week, so if you have anything you'd like to see done you have until Tuesday to explain it if you want me to do it when I do the rest of this.

My goal would be to verify structures for an as big as possible range, annotating which versions it was verified with, all with the same struct, rather than having the same table multiple times. Other than that, we should somehow change to some meta format based on templates so that we can avoid having duplicate descriptions and thus diverting ones.


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