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[Request] - Your Greatest Idea - Play it later!

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My greatest idea was something from an old project of mine. You had a custom city zone were you could buy your own plot and in that plot you could buy furniture and make it yours (like a player housing system). and you had a mount system were you can make your mount follow you around and make it stay in a spot, and then upgrade it at a stable.

it was an amazing idea!  :D


--- Quote from: "Kaev" ---
--- Quote from: "TheMetalCarrots" ---Not really that great of an idea, but having a combat system like Skyrim where you aim your spells and can dodge enemy attacks by moving out of their way. Not technically impossible, but it does require a whole lot of work on changing every single spell to make sure they don't home in on enemies and instead travel in a straight line from the caster, but it makes the world more interactive and combat less static.
--- End quote ---

this + a survival like gameplay:
if you die, you'll lose everything
you can build stuff (houses, barricades and so on)
you have to collect things (like wood) for crafting
and so on, kinda like dayz, ark and all this games. not sure why i want this, but i would like this. :P
Startet smth like that like a year or 2 ago but never finished, because i'm too lazy
--- End quote ---

The closed beta of Albion Online started a few days ago. That game actually has everything i asked for.. :D

Krang Stonehoof:
Still looking for ideas, come on guys, bring it on!

Though is really impossible let me start :)
-Factions, the most imporant part of it, it'd be something simillar to the guilds, but more focused on team play.
 Some factions wars could be really good, conquering the world, building towns and things like that.
-Slower, however funnier progress (including questing, proffesions...)
-Well made world PvP.

Truly impossible, but I think concept isn't really bad, although that playstyle would have to be different from WoW's usual one :)

I want a world where players have to travel instead of being teleported, and where they can't fly, so you can actually encounter players in the wild.

This sole sentence eliminated 99.99% of 2016 MMORPGs x) !


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