Forum > Random

[QUESTION] Deleted topic

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--- Quote ---In the moment Magnus offerd help and work on moving the site to his already existing root server. We also have some time several top level domains to get away from the superparanoid thing.Then we can also activate again the shoutbox. It is not gone becaus we dont wnted it. The hoster just turned it off becaus it created to much traffic .....
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First post from me in this thread. The text was pointed to a time before all this started. Sometimes It would be so nice if people would just talk to each other and not start to get upset.


--- Quote from: "Basto&co" ---*gloomy prophecy and talking to himself* A never ending story... like the german RP-Admin wars... like everywhere. Winter is co-... hold on, wrong film...
--- End quote ---

Thats soooo true. I love it! : :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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