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GvG and world boses


Hi guys! What if the raids are static, not instanced, with a certain time, such as the world's bosses spawn, and the guild will be able to fight with each other, the system can be customized fractions.

Hi. Sorry my english is wery bad.
I'm new to modding.
Need Customize system raids:
raid not instance(dungeon) raid is location where not limmit of character
and respawn boses one for all. Type system Lineage 2 epic bosses.
Need customize system guilds and fractions
War Guild vs Guild
And may be creat new fraction for guilds
I want that gamers joined in guild independently fraction (Orc+Elf+Human+Tauren = my guild)

Uhm... Wat?

100% possible and quite easy to do. Database work.

OK, about raids being changed to "public" zone, I am not entirely sure how to do that. It is definitely possible, I just don't have time to figure it out right now.

About guilds, in worldserver config file are settings for two-side interractions between factions. You can set that Horde and Alliance players can chat, party, guild and so on with each other.

About guild wars, if you mean something like battle between 2 guilds in some sort of battleground, I have only one idea how to do something like that - you may set that zone as free for all PvP area (FFA PVP, like Gurubashi arena is), and players would battle there in raid vs raid battle. Real guild vs guild battle probably is not possible at all.

Of course with exception of some deep edits of core


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